Wondering what this is? Click the "About Us" link on the left!
Monday, November 29, 2004
Well, it looks like the entire book is finished and posted (much to my surprise :-)!
Congratulations to all who made this possible!
I'll be back later to read the whole thing.
Oh yeah, and in case anyone's trying to contact me, please use this e-mail address: peter[DOT]magenheimer(AT)gmail{DOT}com. My other e-mail account (the one under "E-mail Peter") was receiving approximately 4000 messages a day, 99.9% of which was spam, so I pretty much cancelled it.
Congratulations to all who made this possible!
I'll be back later to read the whole thing.
Oh yeah, and in case anyone's trying to contact me, please use this e-mail address: peter[DOT]magenheimer(AT)gmail{DOT}com. My other e-mail account (the one under "E-mail Peter") was receiving approximately 4000 messages a day, 99.9% of which was spam, so I pretty much cancelled it.
posted by Peter Magenheimer at 10:11 PM
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Just so's ya know, page six is up now. Looks great, of course, nice work everybody who did stuff!
posted by Joe Brent at 10:23 PM
Friday, April 30, 2004
Sorry I'm a little behind on this update, I've been out sick for a while...
Page five is up now! Make sure you leave feedback in the forum topic here.
I personally have not yet had a chance to read page 5 all the way through, but so far, I'm really impressed with the amount of time everyone's investing in this project. Kudos to joebrent, Omnie, chancesend, xnbomb, vpisteve, Giskard, and (especially) yanka for making this book idea happen.

Cookies for all!
Okay, touchy-feely moment's over....
Page five is up now! Make sure you leave feedback in the forum topic here.
I personally have not yet had a chance to read page 5 all the way through, but so far, I'm really impressed with the amount of time everyone's investing in this project. Kudos to joebrent, Omnie, chancesend, xnbomb, vpisteve, Giskard, and (especially) yanka for making this book idea happen.

Cookies for all!
Okay, touchy-feely moment's over....
posted by Peter Magenheimer at 9:41 PM
Wednesday, April 07, 2004
Page 4 has been posted. Check it out and then post your feedback here.
Since nobody seems to have noticed the sticky in the forums, I'm posting this here, too: We need ideas for a name for the book! Go here to suggest a name. Thanks!
Since nobody seems to have noticed the sticky in the forums, I'm posting this here, too: We need ideas for a name for the book! Go here to suggest a name. Thanks!
posted by Peter Magenheimer at 2:46 PM
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
3 of the book has been posted (looks great so far!), go check it out!
Please post feedback in the forums, we appreciate any constructive
criticism or comments.
In other news, MetaUrchins.org has been added to the ARGN banner (see it at www.unfiction.com or any other of the ARGN sites), and as soon as I hear from SpaceBass, I'll add the banner to this site too.
In other news, MetaUrchins.org has been added to the ARGN banner (see it at www.unfiction.com or any other of the ARGN sites), and as soon as I hear from SpaceBass, I'll add the banner to this site too.
posted by Peter Magenheimer at 9:09 PM
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
just added an "About Us" page to the links menu, primarily written by
joebrent. I tried my best to format it like this page, but I don't know
if I like it yet. Tell me what you think.
Also, I talked to SpaceBass (unfiction.com webmaster), and he's going to add this site to the ARGN banner, and I'll add the updated banner to this page (if that made any sense) as soon as it's ready. Cool. So expect to see that soon.
Also, I talked to SpaceBass (unfiction.com webmaster), and he's going to add this site to the ARGN banner, and I'll add the updated banner to this page (if that made any sense) as soon as it's ready. Cool. So expect to see that soon.
posted by Peter Magenheimer at 10:02 PM
Friday, March 05, 2004
been having problems with my e-mail, so if you need to tell me
something or whatever, send an e-mail AND post on the forum... I'll try
to get it fixed as soon as possible.
Oh, and for those of you suffering ARG withdrawal, check out the Book intro... Heh.
Oh, and for those of you suffering ARG withdrawal, check out the Book intro... Heh.
posted by Peter Magenheimer at 7:43 AM